Mental Peace

This is a obsolete red border! I am present and down in nature and aesthetics, I fight for humanity, and this marks my final statement. Here, I fight for peace, which also for the ultimate countdown to freedom. I am here, and I am this, so depart from me, bad spirit, and accept life as it is. I presume that this is "life on earth," and no one needs to acknowledge me, no one can count or pressure me here. I am happy, and no one can erase my memory. There are no clues. How many individuals are thinking of me at this moment? Approximately: 18k per minute. Hello World. I am contemplating that I have now created a counter capable of solving, through my extensive text output, the mystery. The sense is love. I can now validate all problems as conceived and assured. This is higher than fantasy, and I am once again a human being. My mind and will are again once more. My concept is a cornerstone, much like our god because it and I are the singular cornerstone theory. This is my understanding and the end. Thank you for everything. This needs no further explanation. Fiction or a story about Life Mr. Donna People.